Tuesday 17 March 2015

Reality Tv (A Poem)

Reality TV is everywhere at the moment, so much so I've written a poem about it. If you've watched these shows yourself I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy.

How real is reality TV?
It's a question I feel compelled to ask.
As a genre it doesn't exactly fill me with glee,
Because all too often watching is a difficult task.
Are these shows a reflection of how we behave?
If the answer is yes then I'm afraid the situation is grave.

We watch agape as the Bachelor decides which girl to choose,
And marvel as Housewives model busty plastic.
And watch as wight loss shows muddy the concept of win or lose.
And I have to ask; Is cooking meant to be that drastic?
Is reality TV an exaggeration of our daily lives?
It's little wonder I'm relieved when regular programming arrives.

We're meant to laugh as ageing rockers attempt everyday tasks,
And watch in awe as strangers deal with the might of Big Brother.
"How bad do you want this? The host inevitably asks,
Leaving the contestants to ponder why they bother.
It seems we all have issues with reality TV, but still we watch.
Accompanied by a reassuring botle of scotch.

So again I ask how real is reality TV?
A question with no real answer I fear.
A warped version of the reality inabited by you and me,
They are not privy to the criticism we see and hear.
But like any disease it continues to thrive and grow,
It's simply the result of non scripted people appearing on a scripted show!

- Jeremy Cartner (15/03/2015)

(This is a work of fiction and copyright the author)