Sunday 3 June 2012

Little Girl Lost

Doctor who fan fiction.Based on information in the SJA episode Death to the Doctor in which a former companion of the good Doctor by the name of Dorothy is said to be running a charity named A Charitable Earth. Doctor Who is of course copy right BBC and not to be reproduced.

                The office was quiet and still. The last of the volunteers had left for the evening, and Dorothy had been left to lock up. Not that she minded this though; she actually looked forward to it. While she found the work she was doing very rewarding, it was literally worlds away from the world she once led. She cherished these few hours in the evening because they gave her the opportunity to relax and get in touch with the person she had once been.

            Dorothy glanced out the window and with a chill saw that the battered old police box she’d noticed earlier that day was still there. She gave a wry smile. It was just like him to drop in now she’d officially left that life behind. It was true she had often thought of him, attempting to imagine what mischief he was getting up to without her. A quiet voice from behind her suddenly disturbed the silence, as if diving into a pond of recently awakened memories.
  “Hello Ace.”
  “Professor.” She replied and turned to face her visitor. He was literally a different man than the time lord she had spent all those years travelling with, but there was no doubting this was the Doctor. He was sitting in the chair she herself usually occupied, looking a good deal younger than when she had last seen him. He was wearing a long brown coat, brown trousers and trainers on his feet. He had thin spiky hair and, incredibly, his eyes were made him appear older and wiser which of course contrasted with his youthful appearance.
  “It’s been a long time Ace.”
  “Almost a lifetime in fact.” She agreed
  “You haven’t any cans of nitro nine hidden around here by any chance?”
            She chuckled at the reference. “No, you can relax. I gave that up a long time ago.”
  “I’m glad to hear it.” Her expression hardened for a moment.
  “Why are you here professor?”
  “You could say I’m getting my reward.”
  “Your reward?”
  “It’s complicated. A lot has happened since we last saw each other.”
  “For both of us.”
  “I’ve been meaning to come and see you for some time but, well you know how it is. I’ll be honest though finding you running a charity is the last thing I expected to find you doing.”
  “I suppose it would have been more in character with the Ace of old to blow it up rather than to run it, I don’t know somehow this seemed right for me.” She paused, gathering her thoughts before proceeding.
  “For a while I attempted to carry on doing what we always had, you know travelling around saving planets, overthrowing dictatorships, but I felt I was just trying to re-create your life when you’re more than capable of living it yourself. I still wanted to make a difference, but I wanted to do it on my own terms. When this opportunity suddenly presented itself I grabbed it with both hands.”
  “You’ve done well, from what I understand. I like the name by the way, A Charitable Earth. Rather appropriate.” She grinned.
  “Yeah, ironic isn’t it.”
            For a moment the Doctor made no reply. Dorothy braced herself. She knew the Doctor had a reason for coming to see her, but wasn’t quite sure if she was ready to hear what he had to say.
  “I never had a chance to apologize for everything I put you through while we were together. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing but now I realize it wasn’t fair on you, and well I’m sorry.”
            Dorothy turned away, confused by the emotion that suddenly overwhelmed her. In the past whenever she had been confronted by conflicting emotions she would attempt to cover it with bluster and aggression. It was a character trait she was yet to out grow.
  “Like I told you a long time ago I’m not a little girl anymore and I can take care of myself.” Her voice softened. “But thank you.”
            She smiled and turned back, but the Doctor was gone.

            The girl who once referred to herself as Ace sat down and silently thanked the Doctor for his timely visit. While the path she had chosen for herself could be seen to be an unusual choice, but she was certain it was the right path for her. She smiled and sat back and waited for her future to claim her. Tomorrow was indeed a new day.


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